What Does Sociolinguistics Study?

Hi people! It's been quite a long time since I write on this blog. I hope you all are healthy since we're still in the middle of pandemic. Keep safe and always check in people around you.

In this occasion, I'd like to write about Sociolinguistics. There are several definitions of Sociolinguistics but from the name I think we all can agree it's related to social linguistics (language).

So basically, Sociolinguistics is a study of social and cultural effect on language. It's the branch of linguistics that analyzes the effect of social and cultural factors within a speech community of its language.

Sociolinguistics concern about how language use interacts with, what the factors are, what is affected by, and many more. Coulmates defines Sociolinguistics as the study of choice and "the principal task of Sociolinguistics is to uncover, describe and interpret the socially motivated” choices an individual makes.

The example of Sociolinguistics is a study of spanish and english language being spoken together called Spanglish.

The founder of sociolinguistics if often regarded to William Labov, he was the one who introduced the quantitative analysis of variation and change, making the sociology of language into a spesific study.

From there, we can conclude that Sociolinguistics is interested in how language can change people and how its use in our life. It studies how the language effects the society including cultural norms, expectations, context, etc. 

I think that's all about introducing what Sociolinguistics, next we're going to dive more. See you, Folks!



[1] Coulmas, F. (2013) Sociolinguistics: The Study of Speakers’ Choices Cambridge: Cambridge

https://www.yourdictionary.com/sociolinguisticsge University Press


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