Hello, fellas! In this great occasion, I want to compare two methods of teaching reading in elementary school. As we know, there are four skills that we must mastered in english. There are a lot of method that teachers nowadays use to provide kids in elementary school to love reading. We must understand that students have different learning styles, so it's our job to find the best method so that our students love reading.

I will compare two methods that I got from scientific journal, that means this is not only my personal opinion. The first method is using HOPSCOTCH, the scientific jurnal used quantitative and qualitative as a method of the research. HOPSCOTCH is a method that using visual media. In indonesia, we may know hopscotch as "taplak." It combines playing and learning with pyhsical activities. There are 9 pads in HOPSCOTCH method. Each pad contains alphabet. When the students see the question in media in front of them, they have to type the answer by jumping on the pads.

The second one is using comic book as a method. The journal used historic method. In the research, the author told her experience while she was in elementary school. She was not able to read and forced by her parents to immedietly able to read. Her parents gave her punishment every time she did it wrong. The research tells that comic books might be really help students to read.

We know that teacher must come equipped with a toolbox filled with different strategies to spark a child's interest in reading, comics can be part of that toolbox. We can use comics to spark the love of reading. If comics can get a achild excited about reading and learning, that's the first step.

Also, comics contain lots of moral lesson such as bullying, recycling plastic, drunk driving, and obesity, comics can be the way to allowing serious issues in a format that students like.
Both method, either HOPSCOTCH and comic books have similar base. That is to make learning and teaching process fun. The teachers don't directly teach the material but using these methods as the media.
With these methods, teachers can use various ways in order children love to read.

Lucht, M. and Heidig, S. (2013). Applying HOPSCOTCH as an exer-learning game in English lessons: two exploratory studies. Educational Technology Research and Development, 61(5), pp.767-792.


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