What You Need to Know about Speaking Skill

Hi, everyone! It’s been a while since the last post. Today I would like to give you an explanation about speaking skills and what we need to become a master in speaking skill. Why do we need to learn speaking skill? Well, there are some advantages when we fluent in speaking skills. With speaking skills, we can be a master communicators because we have ability to inform, persuade, and direct the message. Speaking clearly and confidently will gain the attention of an audience, and it does matter, whatever our job is.

Ability to stand out from the rest. The ability to stand before others is an  ability that we can develop. Many people are deathly afraid of public speaking. If we have good speaking skills, we will able to deliver our thoughts to words

Ability to benefit derivatively. Well-developed verbal skills can increase negotiation skills and self confidence. By mastering speaking skills, we might have a larger and larger audiences. This will benefit us too in our career. Employers have always valued the ability to speak well. it is and will always be an important skill.

In English, as the commonly known, speaking is one of the four skills. To become fluent, we need some important skills to develop, they are fluency, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.

  • Fluency is about how confident and comfortable you are in speaking english. It is also about showing a clear point that you are trying to make. This skill means that listener can follow what you are saying and not get lost.
  • Vocabulary. you can not speak if you have no words to explain and describe what is on your mind. This skill might take a lot of time to study because you must rich your vocabulary.
  • Grammar. Grammar is really important especially if you are an educational person. The better your grammar is, the better your speaking will be. However, a good speaker does not have to use perfect grammar, it is okay to make mistakes, but make sure you also study grammar so that your speaking skill could develop.
  • Pronunciation is really important when we are talking about speaking skill. The sub-skills of pronunciation includes: words and sentence stress, intonation, rhythm and the use of the individual sounds of a language.

Considering that speaking skill is very important, teacher must have some strategy so the learning process will become effective. Be aware that using language in speech is not necessary practice of speaking as a language skill. As a teacher, try to make the class focus and make student be able to construct what they want to say. Try to use free speaking as a method, grammar could be followed after. For the first, try to bring the topic that familiar with students. With these ways, students will gain self confidence more.

There are so many tips for teachers to teach speaking skills. These points below will help the students to speak.

  • Using minimal responses. One way to encourage students’ confidence is to help them build up a stock of minimal responses that they can use in different types of exchanges.
  • Recognizing scripts. Some communications are associated with set of spoken exchanges such as greetings, apologies, compliments, invitations, etc. Teachers can help students develop their speaking skills by making them aware to these scripts, with that sub-skill, students will be able to predict what they will hear and what they should respond.
  • Using language to talk about language. Students are too embarrassed or shy to say anything when they don’t know what the speaker said. The teachers can overcome this situation by trying to communicate with them  in whatever their language skill levels. Teachers can also give students strategies to use for clarification and comprehension check.

Last but not least, these are 10 tips how to improve your english speaking skills:

1. Expand your vocabulary by learning new words every day

2. Learn words in phrases and chunks

3. Improve your pronunciation

4. Learn the natural flow of english by studying linking, contractions, stress, and rhythm

5. Try to use self-talk to improve your speaking skilL

6. Think in english

7. Retell a story in english

8. Participate in public speaking events

9. Go to language cafes

10. Using apps



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