When you are attending college or university, you will be hearing plenty of term academic journal. In this article, you will find out what is exactly an academic journal. An academic or scholary journal is a periodical publication in which scholarship relating to a particular academic discipline is published. We also said academic journal as journal article. The terms both journal and article are actually the same.
The primary purpose of academic journal is to distribute knowledge of the most recent or latest researches and breakthroughs, and not to make money. Most of the time, highly specific knowledge are provided for students and expert audience. Academic journal  contributors publish their works to establish or improve their professional ranking and reputation.
Academic journals serve as permanent and transparent forums for the presentation, and discussion of research. It is shorter than books because it’s written about a very specific topic. According to Henry Oldenburg, the purpose of academic journal is to give researchers a venue to impart their knowledge to one another and can contribute improving knowledge. Theories change over time as new sets of knowledge continue to be discovered by researchers. That is the the reason why academic journals are greatly important.
According to Simon Fraser University, an academic journal is an article that is written about a very specific topic. Furthermore, you’ll typically see a journal article authored by an expert in some field written by another expert in the same respective field. This kind of writing is called “peer reviews.” A journal article is a short paper on a particular topic that gets mainly published in issues or periodicals. It will often include up to date research on that subject, including recent developments, reviews on a method or product, short papers previewing ideas.
The concept of academic journals is we cannot write the journal without other’s research which means we will see another journal authored by an expert in some field. We will write the same topic but more extensive because we gather a lot of references. We also must be responsible for every academic journal that we write.


Article Title
Author(s), followed by author(s) university/organization and country.
Journal Title, Year, Issue, Number, Pages
Abstract. Typically an indented paragraph explaining the experiment ofr study performed by the authors.
Introduction. Discusses the authors’ motivation for their research, and previous research they built upon.
Methods. Gives details about how the research was carried out so it could be replicated.
Discussion. Results and support for conclusion.
Conclusion. What the authors drew from their experiment or investigation.
References. A list of previous research that the authors’ built upon.



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