
Korean Language in Its Society

K orean is an East Asian language spoken by about 77 million people. It is the official and national language of both Koreas: North Korea and South Korea, with different standardized official forms used in each country . Many people know hangeul, the Korean alphabet, was invented under the reign of King Sejong (1397-1450). But few might know the term hangeul was coined by Korean linguist Ju Si-gyeong in 1910s. The Korean native script was designed so that even a commoner could learn to read and write easily, as the majority of Koreans were actually illiterate before the introduction of hangeul. But it was harsher to preserve the Korean native language from outward pressures than it was creating it from scratch.  The Korean Language Society struggled to keep the Korean language alive during Japanese colonial rule, which attempted to eradicate the native language and culture. Now the institute will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its establishment on Aug. 31. Kim Seung-gon, president

Types of Dialects

Dialects is a variant of a language according to the user. Unlike the variety of language that is a variant of a language according to the user. This variation is different from each other, but there are still many similarities indicate that not deserve to be called a different language. Usually awarding dialect is based on geography, but can be based on other factors, eg social factors. A dialect differentiated by the vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation (phonology, including prosody). If the distinction is only based on the pronunciation, the accent is the appropriate term and not a dialect. Types of dialect Judging from the shape is divided into three dialects, namely: a. Regional dialects, the dialect whose characteristics are limited by space. Often called Dialect Area. This dialect is usually grown in a particular area, meaning that people outside the region will not understand the dialect in question. b. Social dialects, namely the dialect spoken by a particular social group.

How to Choose Language in Multilingual Communities?

In multilingual communities, more than one language is used.  It means that people living in this situation may speak more than one language. Thus, they can have linguistic repertoire. When interacting with others, they can choose a code or a variety which is appropriate with participants, topic and location. These factors are known as domains of language use. These complexities of language choice form unique sociolinguistic situations. A speech community use two varieties (H variety and L variety) to cover all communities domains. This is called diglossia. Whereas poliglossia is described as situations where more than two distinct codes or varieties are used for distinguishable situations. Language choice is also determined by social distance, status, formality and function. The process of switching back and forth between one language or dialect and another within the same conversation is called code switching. It is a conversational strategy used to establish, cross, or break group b

What Does Sociolinguistics Study?

Hi people! It's been quite a long time since I write on this blog. I hope you all are healthy since we're still in the middle of pandemic. Keep safe and always check in people around you. In this occasion, I'd like to write about Sociolinguistics. There are several definitions of Sociolinguistics but from the name I think we all can agree it's related to social linguistics (language). So basically, Sociolinguistics is a study of social and cultural effect on language. It's the branch of linguistics that analyzes the effect of social and cultural factors within a speech community of its language. Sociolinguistics concern about how language use interacts with, what the factors are, what is affected by, and many more. Coulmates defines Sociolinguistics as the study of choice and "the principal task of Sociolinguistics is to uncover, describe and interpret the socially motivated” choices an individual makes. The example of Sociolinguistics is a study of spanish and

What You Need to Know about Speaking Skill

Hi, everyone! It’s been a while since the last post. Today I would like to give you an explanation about speaking skills and what we need to become a master in speaking skill. Why do we need to learn speaking skill? Well, there are some advantages when we fluent in speaking skills. With speaking skills, we can be a master communicators because we have ability to inform, persuade, and direct the message. Speaking clearly and confidently will gain the attention of an audience, and it does matter, whatever our job is. Ability to stand out from the rest. The ability to stand before others is an  ability that we can develop. Many people are deathly afraid of public speaking. If we have good speaking skills, we will able to deliver our thoughts to words Ability to benefit derivatively. Well-developed verbal skills can increase negotiation skills and self confidence. By mastering speaking skills, we might have a larger and larger audiences. This will benefit us too in our career. Emp

Discussion of Speaking and Listening Skills