Hello everyone! Good to write something in this blog again. In this great occasion, I would like explain the basic method of teaching english. My focus is on elementary school. So, basically there are four ability that learner must have when they want to be master in english. They are reading, writing, listening, and speaking. They are complete each other. For example, when we can read and cannot speak, we will not be able to present or give an opinion about what we read. Or when we can speak but we are lack at reading comprehension, we also will not be able to understand the material and finally cannot speak fluently.

An english learner must be mastered these four elements. This is why when we majoring english, the course will be focus on these four elements. We will be taught first about basic reading, basic writing, basic listening, and basic speaking.

Now I will be focus on one of them and it is reading. We can say that reading is the key to master english. There are lots of components that we need to be able read text or article in english. When we want to understand what we read, we must have lots of vocabulary and understand the grammatical structure.

As we know, now we are in 4.0 era whereas technology has an important role in our life. Every field now uses tecnology such as business, education, transportation, even plowing the fields our farmer already using technology. In education, it’s really important to know and to apply technology because when we don’t, we will out of date and lead us to being left behind the people.

The problem in this technolgy-era is we oftenly lose control of our children, we let them surf the internet without limit. In educational sector, our children nowadays more likely prefer to use internet to study than sit in the class and taught by teachers. We can see a lot of websites that provide online class. Is that bad? of course no, but it’s not good as well. When we eliminate teacher role to study, we will have lack of manner and will not have figure to emulate.

The Institute of Digital Media Technology (IDMT) in Germany developed a learning system called HOPSCOTCH, it is developed from exer-learning, exer learning is a new genre of digital learning games that combine playing and learning with physical activities (exercise). Have you ever heard hopscotch game, in Indonesian, we named as “Taplak”. Hopscotch is a children’s game where the challenge is to hop on a series of numbered squares in the sequence of their numbers.

HOPSCOTCH method is designed to rich students’ vocabulary and combine they physical activity with cognition functioning.  Correlational studies indicate that physical fitness is positively related to academic achievements and cognitive performance. In a major fitness project funded by the Californian Department of Education, Grissom (2005) found a positive correlation between overall fitness scores and mean achievement scores.

The concepts of HOPSCOTCH is there are 9 pads, every pads contain three alphabets. for example one pads contain ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’. The nine sensor fields resemble the keyboard of a mobile phone with numbers and letters for writing short messages as used in the Short Message Service (SMS). These letters can then be arranged into words by jumping another pattern for the second letter and so on. The overall size of the sensor pad amounts to 2.82 9 2.82 ft, with each of the nine fields being 0.94 ft (about 11 in.) square.

How to play HOPSCOTCH? When playing the game, the students will be given the questions from monitor, and is asked the answer by jumping on the sensor mat. The game presents one question at that time. The students then will get a score if the answer is correct. The playing component of HOPSCOTCH is, therefore, to move the body as quickly as possible on the sensor pad, touching the correct fields in a given order.

This method really good for elementary school students because they are at an age of pleasure to play. High scores are presented to stimulate the student’s motivation to practice in order to perform better. Practice, however, is then the repetition of the vocabulary to be learned. While the learning tasks are often less enjoyable add-ons in serious games (Ritterfeld and Weber 2006), in HOPSCOTCH they are fully integrated, since they are the impulse to start playing.

This method already proven in German can increase achievement of students and school.  this is because the games provide students to learning with fun. They can be focus and enjoy at the same time. Also, the teachers can reduce thir worl by applying HOPSCOTCH. The teachers still has the main role to teach children, and then for the task or repatition, they can use HOPSCOTCH as learning media. In sum, exer-learning games in general, and HOPSCOTCH in particular, provide a promising approach to combine learning, playing and physical activity in order to create engaging learning activities.

I think this method can be very useful to our children, especially to rich their vocabulary. The teachers, or in general the government might be want to consider this method. I think it is all for this time, hopefully this article can help you, either to teach your students, or your children. thank you so much for your kind of attention. See you, folks!


Lucht, M. and Heidig, S. (2013). Applying HOPSCOTCH as an exer-learning game in English lessons: two exploratory studies. Educational Technology Research and Development, 61(5), pp.767-792.


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