Fact about People First Name

A first name or also known as given name or forname is a part of a person's personal name. It identifies a person and becomes a part of the person itself. Sometimes, people first names represent their family or represent their birth of date.
The interesting fact about people first name is not all of them like their first name. Some hate their own name. How this case could happen? Well, according to experts, they hate their name because some people mispronounce it or make fun of it. Some children even get depressed, they are bullied because of their name.
A professor from bellevue university, Cleveland Kent Evens, who has studied given names for more than 20 years said that a great many people go through a period during their adolescence where they dislike their name as part of general adolescent concern with identity and what other people think of them.
It means that name has big impact to our life. Names define us, it is the way for us to see ourselves and what other will see in us. Evens said that names are the anchor which we build our identity.
I personally, love my own name. Firly means forgiven, Aulia means a leader, Almadani means region or state. My parents want me to be a leader that have forgiven from Allah subhanahu wata'ala. I have no problem with my name, I never get bullied or felt disturbing about my name.
From the explanation above, we know that it is important to think seriously when we want to give children a name. The name that we gave may impact our children's life.

Are you single or already married? If you already married, what name did you give to your children? And if you are single, do you ever think about giving name to your future children.
For me, searching and composing name for children is fun. Even now I'm single, I already composing name for my future children.
The name that I will gave is "Adeeva Nahda Humaira". Adeeva means lovely, Nahda means precious, Humaira means have red cheeks. This is name for a baby girl, I want my daughter to be lovely girl and have precious life.
I composed the name based on the search. I am muslim so I will give my children islamic name.
However, I also like some english name. For male, I like Austin means helpful, Aaron means enlighten, and Arnold means strong as an eagle. For female, I like Anne, I just like that name. Alice, because I like character Alice in Alice in Wonderland. I also like Cara means sweet and lovely.

I think this is all about people first name. Thank you so much for reading through my writing. Hopefully this article helpful, see you on another story, good people! 😊


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